Saturday, April 13, 2024




This painting was completed in the summer of 1985 following a dream I had in 1982. I spoke with the catholic clergy as well as medicine men inside my community as well as other native communities' lands of the Ojibway Adawa and Potawatomi people with the same results and why 
I needed to paint this image because it's slowly coming true.

In the dream, I was walking along a medieval cobblestone roadway. Along the sides, there were stone buildings with candle-lit windows and cloth draped over entrances. 

Halfway down the street, there was noise and commotion of screams coming from it as I was walking closer towards it and deciding to enter. 

As I entered the doorway, I saw a hallway that entered a larger room at the end. 

The red-socked stones at the end of the hallway got my attention as another screaming noise filled the evening night. 

As I turned into the adjacent room, I saw the Bear and Eagle spirits, half man and half beast, fighting a Seven-Headed serpent and not seeing directly at each other as the snake was standing in the center and moving side to side.

These three great serpents were fighting against the Seven-Headed Serpent. As one standing serpent fought with the seven-headed serpent, the other recuperated from a bite before it challenged it again.   

The vocal noises in this room were loud and bloody, and I wanted to find out what this dream meant. 

All the people I spoke to came with the same outcome, and the dream represents the armageddon for man.

The headed serpent represented the countries of the Middle East as each country fell during the conflict.

The last nation that falls will be Israel; only then the two final serpents will see each other, and armageddon begins.